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AppColl® PM Pro
Monthly Starting At
Auto Docketing for US Patents & TMs
Manage Internal Workflows
Comprehensive Matter Database
Track Billing and Generate Invoices
Secure Document Storage
Prior Art Management
Contacts Management
Create and Schedule Custom Reports
Auto populate PTO Forms
User Management
Data Import/Export
Premium Support
AppColl® PM Plus
Monthly Starting At
AppColl PM PRO
AppColl PM Invent
QuickBooks™ Online Integration
Conflict Checking
Automated Email Intake
Trust Account Reports
Advanced Reporting
Account Syncing
Auto download of documents and XML data from Patent Center
AppColl® IM
(Invention Manager™)
Annual Contract Required
Inventor Workflow Mgmt
Patent Committee View
Award Management
Invention Scoring
Single Sign On (SSO)
HR DB Integration
Invention Disclosure Mgmt
Enterprise Integration
Feature Comparison
AppColl® PM PRO
Starting atAppColl® PM PLUS
Starting at

Create custom task rules to automatically handle foreign patent law, internal reminders, client reminders, or anything else you may want to add. Manually add custom tasks to matters or automatically generate them from one or more triggering events. Communicate with team members via automated form-filled emails populated with information from the system.

Control user access to your account with fine-grained permissions. For each user, specify which modules can be accessed and if they can add, change or delete records in that module. Restrict users to their own information in the system, such as their own assigned matters, billing items and docketing tasks.

Identify conflict of interest situations where doing the best thing for one client may harm another due to an adverse relationship between the two clients. Search information in all matters and contacts, including metadata such as adverse party relationships, keywords and technologies to find potential conflicts. Searches can be constructed using full Boolean expressions. The setup and results of searches can also be saved for viewing or re-running later.

Use advanced graphical reporting tools to understand and manage your business more effectively. Respond quickly to client requests for reports on their IP portfolio. This feature allows you to generate customizable line, bar and pie charts aggregating your data in complex ways. For example, you can see a report of the average amount billed per matter for each patent type in each country. You could also generate a chart showing how the time between patent filing and issuing changes over time. Drag, drop and resize charts to customize your dashboard showing the most important information when you log in. Automatically schedule graphical reports to be emailed to interested parties. Create your own reports by easily customizing any of the numerous standard reports provided.

Trust account reports are used to assist in reconciling actual bank account balances with debits and credits from retainers received from customers. These reports are generated entirely from retainer type billing items in the Billing module.

The Conversations Tab allows another view for the emails that are sent into AppColl for a particular matter. Now when an email comes to a Matter’s Intake email, AppColl will display the message on the Conversations Tab in a similar way as your email inbox. With this feature, you can easily download attachments, view, and reply to messages sent to the Intake address for that matter.

Starting At-
Inventor Workflow Mgmt
Patent Committee View
Award Management
IP Scoring
Single Sign On (SSO)
HR DB Integration
Advanced Analytics